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Jedi Jim congratulates young entrepreneurs

Young Enterprise, Ulster Bank, and BBC Apprentice star ‘Jedi’ Jim Eastwood congratulated students taking part in the QuickStart Programme who started a business with the support of the charity this year.

With support from Ulster Bank, the Young Enterprise QuickStart programme will have allowed 1,300 young people aged 12-16 to experience the real world of entrepreneurship alongside a volunteer business adviser this year alone.

At a special event hosted by Ulster Bank, students from Newtownhamilton High School, Belfast Hospital School and Lurgan Junior High School and others took part in the QUickPitch Challenge.  The challenge saw students create video presenations showcasing their companies and the sills they have developed through the programme.

The best videos were chosen by Ulster Bank’s Colin Jess, who presented an iPad to the winning business ‘Stop Shop’ from Lurgan Junior High School.

Colin Jess, Senior Manager at Ulster Bank, said: “As a bank, we’ve been really pleased to support Young Enterprise and the Quickstart Programme for a fifth year. It’s an excellent opportunity for us to help young people understand how business works and encourage entrepreneurship. The energy and enthusiasm of all the participants is infectious and it is great to see such quality presentations from all of the finalists.”

At an event staged at Ulster Bank’s Belfast headquarters, 40 students from Newtownhamilton High School who took part in the programme heard from Apprentice finalist Jim Eastwood.  He said “These students are an excellent example of the outstanding entrepreneurial flair that exists in so many of our young people in Northern Ireland and should be congratulated for their commitment, hard work and innovation in starting their respective businesses.

“Young people in Northern Ireland are so lucky to have the support of a charity like Young Enterprise that, year in year out, brings so many fantastic opportunities their way – inspiring them to become enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to go out and succeed in the world of business.”

Young Enterprise Northern Ireland is part funded by the Department of Education with support from the business sector.  For more information about Young Enterprise and to see how you can support and get involved visit

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