Dragons Wanted!
Entrepreneurship charity Young Enterprise is reaching out to local people to help young people become the Dragons Den contestants of the future!
Chief Executive Carol Fitzsimons commented “As we kick off a new academic year later this month, we’re calling on people who would like to lend their business experience to local young people to get involved with our entrepreneurship programmes in their local primary and post-primary schools.
“TV shows like Dragons’ Den and The Apprentice have brought entrepreneurship into our living rooms, and we want to make sure that our young people are fit for business and set for a successful future.”
BBC Apprentice Finalist Jim Eastwood is a keen supporter of the charity, commenting “Young people in Northern Ireland are so lucky to have the support of a charity like Young Enterprise that, year in year out, brings so many fantastic opportunities their way – inspiring them to become enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to go out and succeed in the world of business.”
To get involved contact Young Enterprise at 028 9032 7003, email volunteer@yeni.co.uk or visit www.yeni.co.uk/getinvolved.
Young Enterprise NI is part funded by the Department of Education.

Notes to editors:
Young Enterprise is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity. The organisation operates under licence to Young Enterprise UK, and is part of Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise (JAYE) globally, with a purpose to inspire young people to engage in enterprise and entrepreneurship.
Young Enterprise NI media contact:
Alastair Luke, Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Young Enterprise NI
Tel: 028 9032 7003 Email: alastair.luke@yeni.co.uk Twitter: @YE_NI