Free Marketing Training for Alumni – Apply Now!

Marketing Opportunities Available
If you are 18-30, took part in Young Enterprise at school and have an interest in a marketing career, then we have a great opportunity for you. Apply to the ‘Step Into Marketing Enabler’ pilot programme for Young Enterprise NI alumni, brought to you by
This pilot programme for Young Enterprise NI alumni, who aspire to a career in marketing, has been developed by Chartered Marketer & YE alumna Christine Watson to inspire and train our next generation of marketers.
The pilot will give 20 young people from across Northern Ireland access to the mentoring support of an experienced and qualified marketing professional. Through online classes alongside signposts to dozens of free quality online courses and community driven peer networking, the innovative ‘flipped classroom’ style programme will help aspiring marketers develop practical skills and showcase the wide range of marketing opportunities available.

Graeme Wilkinson, Director of Skills for the Department for the Economy, said “The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our young people particularly hard, with jobs, education and training all being affected. As we begin to rebuild our economy, a key factor will be the need to help young people re-connect with the workplace and developing relevant skills is central to that. The Department for the Economy very much welcomes the Young Enterprise pilot programme, as it offers a range of skills to help aspiring marketers reach their career goals, whether as an employee, or by running their own business. This sector is increasingly reliant on digital tools and this programme will equip students to make the most of the technology available to them .”
The programme will consist of a schedule of weekly training sessions delivered online by Chartered Marketer, mentor and trainer Christine Watson, supported by marketing practitioners from right across the local economy. Each trainee will benefit from the innovative flipped classroom style of learning, following their individual learning pathway from the hundreds of free online courses available through platforms such as MakeitClick and Google Digital Garage. They will return to the peer group to share their biggest lessons and insights from any practical application they have achieved.
Expressions of interest are now open and alumni of Young Enterprise NI, aged between 18 and 30 and interested in pursuing or developing a career in marketing and/or entrepreneurship can apply!
Delivered by: Chartered Marketer and Young Enterprise NI Alumni Christine Watson, founder of and learning facilitator of the Make It Click initiative by charity Good Things Foundation and funded by