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My Company Programme Journey #2

Company Secretary Emma Hamilton took some time out to tell us about her Company Programme Journey so far:

Do you know what profession you want to go into or career path you might like to pursue in the future?  I think I would love to get involved in medicine or physiotherapy.

How did you get involved with Young Enterprise? Through my school.

What made you interested in the project?  From previous years I saw the opportunities it presented the older pupils and it seemed like such a worthwhile opportunity.

What does your company do?  We aim to provide a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to a standard plastic lunchbox.

What sets your company apart from others in the market (either Young Enterprise or generally)?  Our company is driven by every individual involved in it. We work together under our amazing managing directors and we work as a team and every idea is agreed to by everyone. We have such an amazing product that everyone is passionate about- especially because we are helping reduce plastic use which is destroying our planet!

How did you come up with your idea for your product? After a lot of brainstorming we combined a few ideas until we landed on our final product – an eco-friendly, sustainable bamboo lunchbox, complete with your very own hungry hero who has provided a checklist to show you how you have contribute to helping keep our planet alive!

What has been the biggest challenge with your company to date?  We have found it difficult to refine our ideas because we had so many ideas from so many company members. However after some deliberations and compromises we worked out a combination all the ideas.

What would you say has been the most important thing you have learned about business so far? That teamwork is the most important thing in order to keep a company running, without everyone doing their part our team wouldn’t be as efficient as it is.

What were the 3 main things you or your team had to do to get your product off the ground? We all became shareholders in the company to get our funds up, we decided on the product and we designed our company hoodies and logo!

What would you say to other young people who might be interested in the programme? That it has been the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. I can’t wait to promote our product and sell it to the public!

What are you most looking forward to on the day at the Big Market? Meeting the public and selling it to them in such a big event.

Check out BAM online Insta: @weare.bam  FB: BAM

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