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Primary Schools

All Primary Programmes

Each Young Enterprise Programme is tailored to its specific age group. They help raise awareness, building understanding, giving students the chance to apply their skills and model their competencies through starting their own business.

Find out more information below or Get in touch.

Ourselves (P2 Foundation)

Students learn about the importance of saving, earning, decision making and teamwork through story-book characters.

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Our Families (KS1)

Students identify family members and learn about the basic living needs and wants that they have.

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Our Community

Students will look at the people, shops and services which make up a community and get introduced to tax and voting.

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Our City

Students are introduced to the idea that cities are made up of different areas or zones in which activities are vital for city life.

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Our World

Students learn what countries of the world rely on each other for resources.

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Business Beginnings (KS2)

Students set up and run their own business. Discovering their strengths taking on job roles and how to sell their product.

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Fiver (KS2/ KS3)

Students can enter the national competition to find the next generation of budding entrepreneurs with a £5 pledge from the fiver bank.

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