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Ards and North Down Borough Council celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week with Primary competition

To celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 8 -14 November, Ards and North Down Borough Council, in partnership with Young Enterprise, set schools the challenge of coming up with their own global food idea.

First prize was awarded to Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards P7W class who came up with the idea of ‘Half Dipped Cookies’.

Castle Gardens P7T came Joint Runner Up with the ‘Grab and Go’ box.

The pupils are pictured here with their teachers – Hazel Wilson and Debbie Turtle and Principal John Gray – as well as the Mayor, Councillor Mark Brooks and Carol Fitzsimons MBE, Chief Executive Young Enterprise NI.

Joint runner up was awarded to pupils from Ballyvester Primary School for their product: ‘Everything Granola – totally NUTritious.’

The pupils are pictured here with their teacher Lisa Beatty, as well as the Mayor, Councillor Mark Brooks and Carol Fitzsimons MBE, Chief Executive Young Enterprise NI.

Read more at:…/castle-gardens…

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