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2021 Big Market goes ONLINE!

Enterprising students from across Northern Ireland will be taking part is a special online edition of the annual Big Market on Wednesday 8th December. 

Young people aged 14-25 taking part in the charity’s entrepreneurial programmes will launch their companies and seize their first opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of Northern Ireland’s business leaders.  

The Big Market is a staple of Belfast’s Christmas shopping season and is now being moved online. Each year in excess of 8,000 students take part in the programme and start their own unique businesses. 

Carol Fitzsimons, Young Enterprise chief executive commented: 

“Our aim is to give all young people in Northern Ireland the opportunity to develop and practice the skills they will need to be successful in the world of work. Bringing the Big Market online gives our students the chance to put those skills into practice and learn valuable business lessons as they pitch their businesses to an expert panel including representatives from Allstate Northern Ireland, EY and Ulster University Business School. 

“As we holding the Big Market online for a second year, we are acutely aware of the need for young people to start their businesses and get the most from their Young Enterprise experience even in uncertain times.   

“The online experience not only encourages students to develop digital marketing and e-commerce abilities, but also allows them to hone their presentation skills and get feedback from some of Northern Ireland’s leading business minds.” 

Young Enterprise NI provides hands-on enterprise programmes to 90,000 young people each year.  The charity’s entrepreneurial programmes allow students to create a unique business, then produce, promote and sell their products or services.  

Launching the Young Enterprise Big Market 2021 online, from left: Pete Snodden, Young Enterprise Ambassador; Flo Foster, Bloomfield Collegiate; Carol Fitzsimons, Young Enterprise Chief Executive.

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