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In Step 3 we will be giving you advice on how to prepare before an interview, how to answer questions during it and what to ask afterwards. Interviews can be daunting but if you take the time to go through and apply all the advice on this page, you can walk into that interview with confidence!  This section will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Listen to Shane from Young Enterprise NI talk about what you can find in step 3.

We’ve put together some resources packed with advice and top tips from experienced recruiters around preparing for an interview.

Top tips for Interviews
Check out top 10 tips for before, during and after your interview.
Download here

Preparing for a job interview – Answering questions
Competency-based questions are interview questions that require candidates to provide real-life examples as the basis of their answers. Using the STAR technique should help candidates explain why they made certain decisions, how they implemented these decisions and why certain outcomes took place. Use the link below to find out more.

STAR technique template
Download here

Interview advice
Top tips for school leavers.

How to have a great interview
Charlotte Mummery, a talent acquisition expert from Nestle gives some advice on how to have a great interview.

Interview questions, answers and tips
Check out the link below for interview and tips for teens.

20 most commonly asked interview questions and the perfect answers
Check out this website for more in depth help with common interview questions and what to ask after the interview has finished.

Check out the videos below to hear from Erin, from the recruitment agency Honeycomb Jobs who has a lot of helpful advice to share on interview preparation and technique.

Watch the following clip and put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes. 
Analyse the body language, facial expressions and the quality of the answers from both examples. 
Who would you give the job to and why?

Here, you can take your learning a little further.

Practice interviews

Most interviewers will use questions that will allow you to demonstrate how you have developed employability skills using real life examples as evidence. These are called ‘Competency based Questions’.

Example questions:

  • “Can you give me an example of how you have worked in a team? What actions did you take and what was the result?”
  • “Can you tell us of a time where you faced a challenging situation? What did you do and what was the result of your actions?”

Interviewers want you to answer fully and demonstrate with real examples. Use the STAR template to prepare your answers to the question. Download here

Ask a family member or friend to interview you. This is a good way to practice answering questions and getting feedback.

Review what knowledge you have gained by answering these 3 questions.
We are not recording your responses – it’s just for your own learning.

What are interviewers looking for when they ask you a competency based question?

“All of the above” is the correct answer. Remember to use the STAR technique to answer help answer questions fully.

“At the conclusion of the interview it is advisable not to ask any questions if given the chance.”

False – Your questions show your interest in the role and a good question can make a big difference.

Before you attend an interview, you should:

“All of the above”. Preparation is the key to a good interview and will give you confidence in your answers.

A couple of quick final questions…

For further information or help please contact

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