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Community to benefit from the Impact Academy

Young people in North Belfast are set to start a social enterprise through the new Impact Academy that started on Tuesday 21st July at the North Belfast Social Enterprise Hub.

The Ashton Community Trust in partnership with the hub, entrepreneurship skills charity Young Enterprise and FabLab Belfast has launched the initiative giving young people the opportunity to tackle a social issue in their community while gaining skills for life and work through a summer-long entrepreneurship programme.

The six young people kicked off the intensive programme in July and will have the opportunity to create a product with FabLab Belfast and a business plan with the support of Young Enterprise business volunteers.

The programme targeting 17-23 year olds is set to enhance the skills and aspirations of those taking part while providing real experience of business that will support them through their future in education and in work.

They’re aiming to have a fully-fledged company ready for launch at a special sales event, open to the public, at the Kennedy Centre on Wednesday 12th August from 10:00-12:30.

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