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Learning about Digital


Growing Up Surrounded by Digital Technology

Young people throughout the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area have the opportunity to find out about the digital sector with the launch of our Digital Youth Programme.

The programme has been developed to suit home working activities for the students and will see young people from across the area learning about the digital sector and developing their own ideas for business concepts. 

It will test their knowledge on current technologies and take a look at exciting new innovations and how they work. The top students will then compete to become Digital Youth Winners. 

“We are so pleased to see the launch of this important programme. In these challenging times it is vital that young people understand how they apply digital tools into the world of work to become the digital specialists that businesses need. We commend the investment of the council in supporting young people to develop these skills.” 

Carol Fitzsimons, MBE, CEO

The activities have been developed to suit home working activities for the students, providing 2-2.5hrs of content which is mapped to NI Curriculum.

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