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‘Money Matters’ Textbook for Schools

The first-ever curriculum mapped financial education textbook – funded jointly by founder Martin Lewis and the Money & Pensions Service, is available to schools in Northern Ireland.

The Your Money Matters student textbooks, will be sent free to your school in January 2021. An accompanying teacher’s guide will be available digitally. 

What will the textbook cover?

Your Money Matters is aimed at supporting the financial capability of those aged 14 to 16, but the reality is that it’s been used across multiple year groups and within a wide range of subject areas. It covers savings, interest, money, mental health, budgeting, debt, APR, student finance, apprenticeships, earnings, tax, pensions, gambling, investments, identity theft, fraud and much more.

Your Money Matters Textbook

There are 75 free copies of the textbook available for your school. To receive your copies please click the link to complete a request form.

What are the contents?

The educational textbook contains facts and information as well as interactive activities and questions for students to apply their knowledge. The chapters are as follows:

1. Savings – ways to save, interest, money and mental health
2. Making the most of your money – budgeting, keeping track of your budget, ways to pay, value for money, spending
3. Borrowing – debt, APR, borrowing products, unmanageable debt
4. After school, the world of work –student finance, apprenticeships, earnings, tax, pensions, benefits
5. Risk and reward – investments, gambling, insurance
6. Security and fraud –identity theft, online fraud, money mules.

Since being delivered into every state-funded secondary school in England, 89% of teachers said that Your Money Matters would improve the quality of financial education in their schools. Additionally, 88% of teachers said the textbook would increase their confidence to deliver financial education.

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