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Welcome to step 4 of ‘You’re Hired!’ In this step we will provide you with resources that will help you with your presentation skills. We have lots of helpful content for you which will take about 30minutes to go through.

Listen to Shane from Young Enterprise NI introduce Step 4.

Check out these resources to help with your presentation skills.
How to look and sound confidentA Harvard Business Review article on how to wow your audience and create a lasting
Presentation skills top tipsA great list of hints and tips from Young Enterprise NI to make your presentations stand out.Download
How to give a great presentation7 presentation skills and tips from Dana Blouin, entrepreneur and CEO of Mango
How to boost your confidence3 easy tips from
Body language during your presentationTips from Catherine Moonan, pitch coach for Dragon’s

Aimée Clint, Young Enterprise alumna and founder of Books by Stellas shares advice on how to give an outstanding presentation.

It’s great to learn from your mistakes – it’s easier to learn from other people’s.
Watch the following video clip. After the first presentation, pause the video when the teacher asks the audience for feedback. (1min 50 sec) List some improvements you think the presenter could make before his next presentation. Then press play and see how many you get right.

Presenting is like any skill, the more you practice it, the better you will be. Here is your chance to put the skills you have learned into action.
Your presentation
Record yourself doing a 3 minute presentation.
Here’s some guidelines:
- Make sure your camera is steady, not held in hands. Use a tripod if you can.
- You can sit or stand but video from the waist up to show your body language.
- Use limited visuals but be present on screen at all times.
- Consider your communication skills. Use a clear voice and engage your audience.
- Think of this video as a professional presentation, that you would submit to a potential employer.
Watch it back and try to see it as if you are watching it for the first time (or better yet, ask a friend or family member to watch it for you and give you feedback).
Consider things like:
- Did you get your message across clearly?
- How was your body language?
- What did you do well?
- What could you do better?

Review what knowledge you have gained by answering these 3 questions. We are not recording your responses – it’s just for your own learning.
When presenting you should never use gestures.
The most important part of a presentation is…
When giving a presentation you should…
A couple of quick final questions…
You're Hired Evaluation - Step 4
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