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Tell Me

Tell Me

This step is about the importance of feedback. After taking part in interviews, seeking feedback is a great way to learn from your mistakes but also to find out what you did well.  Receiving feedback and reflecting on your performance in all areas of life is important for your own personal development.  This step will also cover how to be intentional about developing and reflecting through setting goals for the future. This step will take 30 mins to complete. 

Listen to Shane from Young Enterprise NI talk about what you can find in step 5.

We’ve put together some resources to help you with getting interview feedback and how to use that feedback to help you set your goals for the future.

When and how to follow up after an interview
Some great advice from Talent Acquisition Manager, Margaret Buj.

Goal setting for students
4 key steps fom 2 Minute Classroom.

How to set goals
4 easy steps from Rocket Kids.

How reflection informs personal growth
An interview with author and public speaker, Simon Sinek.

Check out the video below to hear from Natalie, Lead Sourcing Specialist for Alexander Mann Solutions who has a lot of helpful advice to share on interview feedback.

Watch this student’s presentation and think about some constructive feedback. 
What two things did he do well? What two things could he improve on? 

Here, you can take your learning a little further.

Take some time now to reflect on what you have learned and use this information to help you set goals for the future. Use the link below to set some short, medium and long term goals. Keep it safe and refer to it regularly as a reminder.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tony Robbins – American businessman, author and philanthropist (b.1960)

Download the worksheet

Review what knowledge you have gained by answering these 3 questions.
We are not recording your responses – it’s just for your own learning.

When is the best time to ask for feedback after an interview?

Within 24 hours of hearing if you have been successful. If they phone you to tell you, ask them there and then. If they contact you via email, follow up within 24 hours via email or call.

Goal setting is important because:

All of the above. Setting goals is one of the common characteristics of successful individuals.

“Self-reflection is the ability to look at yourself critcally.”

True – Self reflection is the ability to critically think about what you did well and what you could improve in different situations.

A couple of quick final questions…

For further information or help please contact

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