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Online Learning YE Academy

Fully narrated, interactive courses covering Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness & Financial Capability.

Get Your Subsidised 2024/25 academic year subscription – Only £300!

Plug & Play – Just press play; lessons are fully narrated.
Interactive & Engaging – Games & worksheets enhance learning.
Curriculum-Aligned – Mapped to Northern Ireland’s skills framework.
Affordable Access – Costs £900, subsidised offer now just £300 per school!
Unlimited logins – Multiple teacher and student logins per school.

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Comprehensive Programmes for Future-Ready Students that are mapped to the NI Curriculum

CCEA has endorsed* the use of these programmes in schools and has confirmed that they are aligned to the broad aims and objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. The programmes and materials support the development of financial capability, work-readiness and enterprise skills and facilitates the development of the cross-curricular skills of communication; managing information; working with others; using mathematics; thinking, problem-solving & decision making; self-management; being creative and using ICT.

* Note: Whilst the publisher has taken all reasonable care in the preparation of these programmes, CCEA makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in these programmes.  CCEA does not accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions from the programmes or the consequences thereof.

Primary Programmes at a Glance
Year GroupKey StageDurationDescription
2Foundation 5 x 40 minute sessionsThrough story-book characters pupils learn about the ‘world of work’ and the importance of saving, earning, decision making and teamwork.
314 x 45 minute sessionsStudents identify family members and learn about the basic living needs and wants that they have. They begin to realise the difficult decisions that families have to make in order to pay for these. ​

414 x 45 minute sessionsStudents discover how people and business operate within their community. They will look at the people, shops and services which make up a community, what contributes to a good community and get introduced to taxes and voting.

*Also available in Irish

523 x 1 hour sessionsThis programme examines the features that make up any city. Students are introduced to the idea that cities are made up of different areas or zones in which activities are vital for city life occur.

*Also available in Irish
6 or 724 x 30/45 minute sessionsStudents learn what countries of the world rely on each other for resources. They simulate the decisions that countries and businesses make and broaden their understanding of import and export.

727 x 1 hour sessionsStudents set up and run their own business. Discovering important decisions that must be made. They raise start-up capital, decide on a business, discover their strengths taking on job roles, produce products, and sell their product.

*Also available in Irish
3, 4, 5, 6 & 71 & 21 x 30-40 minute moduleStart Small Think Big is a short 30-minute digital programme introducing pupils in key stage 1, 2 & 3  to micro-businesses in NI
Post Primary Programmes at a Glance
Year GroupKey StageDurationDescription
834 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents will develop skills and positive attitudes as they make the leap from primary to post-primary school. This programme encourages students to meet and work with others in their year group and find out about their school and their responsibilities within it. Students then use everything that they have learned to complete a fun Business Challenge.
934 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents are guided through a fun entrepreneurship experience, enhancing employability skills and qualities, which will help them succeed in the future world of work.  They will get the chance to ideate a sustainable, marketable product and present their idea as a team.
10 & 113 & 44 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents will create future goals and develop employability skills as they consider career choices, the cost of living and effective budgeting.
11, 12, 13 & 144 & 16+5 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents develop their employability skills through learning how to find and apply for a job. The programme has 5 modules. The composition of the programme can be decided in advance to cover the necessary topics.
8, 9, 10, 11 & 123 & 44 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents develop skills for life-long learning, time management and understanding how to create the right environment to work.
8, 9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 and 143, 4 & post163 x 30-40 minute modulesStudents will learn about how technology has changed and what lies ahead, with a look at how different technologies are used within the film industry.
8, 9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 and 143, 4 & post164 x 30-40 minute modulesThe Engineering Masterclass helps students to learn about the wide range of employment opportunities available in the engineering sector. It also gives students a chance to develop their teamwork and problem-solving skills through a number of fun, hands-on engineering activities and challenges.
8, 9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 and 143, 4 & post163 x 40 minute modulesAimed at post-primary school children in Years 8-14 and showcases innovative local businesses from across the agri-food, infrastructure, manufacturing and tourism sectors.  Pupils will learn about why nature and biodiversity is important to the economy, the impact industries can have on biodiversity and gain insights into some of the innovative solutions developed in response by local entrepreneurial businesses.
10, 11, 12, 13 & 143, 4 & post166 x 30-60 minute modulesDesigned for students aged 14-17, but suitable for all post-primary young people, My Money Matters provides young people with the opportunity to explore their own attitudes to money and gain a few key financial skills to help them in the real world.
8, 9 & 1031 x 30-40 minute moduleStart Small Think Big is a short 30-minute digital programme introducing pupils in key stage 1, 2 & 3  to micro-businesses in NI

What Schools Are Saying

Limited-Time Offer – Secure Your Discounted Access Now!

Costs £900 per school
Subsidised Offer Only £300 – For access to end of academic year 2024/25!
Claim Your School’s Subscription Today

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Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

  • How easy is it to set up?
    Yes it is very straightforward. Just create an account and you can access our YE Academy.
  • Can multiple teachers use YE Academy?
    Yes, all they need to do is create an account. We recommend using your C2K email when you are creating your account. We periodically remove inactive and spam users from our system so this will help us to identify geniune accounts.
  • Are the courses aligned to our curriculum?
    Yes, we have designed our programmes so they meet the requirements on the curriculum. CCEA has endorsed the use of these programmes in schools and has confirmed that they are aligned to the broad aims and objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
  • What happens after 2024/25?
    The enrolment keys you will be provided are only valid for academic year 2024/25. You can partner with us in academic year 2025/26. Once you have subscribed, a new set of enrolment keys will be issued.

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