Welcome to Step 2 of “You’re Hired!”. In this step we will provide you with resources that will give you advice on how to create a CV or complete an application form to land that job interview. We have lots of helpful content for you to explore which will take about 30 minutes to go through.

Listen to Shane from Young Enterprise NI talk about what you can find in step 2.
Key terms – Quickfire guide
A job application form is created by the employer and filled out by the applicant (person applying). It will be a document asking for specific content that matches the job description.
A CV (Curriculum Vitae – That’s Latin for “course of life”) is created by the applicant to tell a potential employer about your skills and experience.
If you submit a CV or an application form that meets the employer’s requirements, you may be shortlisted (chosen) to be invited for a job interview. It’s important to tailor your CV each time to what the employer wants to know about.

Writing a good CV is an art, and is vital to getting a job interview. These links will provide you with lots of information on how make your CV really stand out.
How to create your first CVTop tips for making sure your CV stands out from the
How to write a CVLearn how to create a CV that stands out and gets you through to the interview
Writing a CV with no experienceHow to showcase yourself and how you have prepared yourself to succeed in your first
6 top tips for CV writingThings to keep in mind as you create or update your
CV or application form?What you need to know about the differences between CVs and application

Check out the video below to hear from our Young Enterprise volunteer Louise Quinn. Louise is a Professional Services Manager for the recruitment agency Honeycomb Jobs and has a lot of helpful advice to share on creating a CV.
Need a little more guidance on how do you create a CV if you have very little experience or feel like you have nothing to write about? Check out the videos below for helpful advice.

Below are two completed application forms for the same job.
Compare and contrast from employer’s perspective, what have the applicants done well or what could they do better? Out of the two applicants, who would you shortlist to offer an interview to and why?
Top tip: when completing your own application form and CV it is always helpful to consider it through the eyes of the employer – what are they looking for? If the job advertisement has provided a job description (describes main duties in the job) or person specification (describes the skills needed for the job) use these documents to help you do this.

Here are some activities to take your learning a little further.
Practice writing your CV
Read and watch the videos and resources above. Now create your own CV.
Your CV should include at least the following:
- Limit of 2 sides of A4
- Contact details
- Summary statement/Self introduction
- Education history
- Skills
- Achievements/Responsibilities
- Hobbies/Personal interests

Review what knowledge you have gained by answering these 3 questions.
We are not recording your responses – it’s just for your own learning.
A CV is…
“I cannot create a CV now as I have no job experience to talk about”
Why should you talk about your hobbies in a CV?
A couple of quick final questions…
For further information or help please contact